
What the Territory needs

  • Higher living standard from stronger economic growth

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  • Increased population growth

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  • Increased private sector investment

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Darwin Major Business Group

The Darwin Major Business Group is made up of seventeen larger Darwin-based businesses who have a stake in the Territory's future.

Our goal is to start a conversation about what the Territory needs and how we can improve living standards and create economic opportunities for all. That is why we commissioned the AEC Group to produce an independent data-based report to help us identify key priorities to kick-start the economy.

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Hear what Darwin Major Business Group members has to say about our Territory 

Focus on securing our future

An illustration of a target with an arrow pointing to it
An illustration of a target with an arrow pointing to it

Why live and work in Darwin when you can live and work in Cairns, Adelaide or Perth and why invest in Katherine when you can invest in Geelong, Newcastle or the Sunshine Coast?

To answer these important questions, the Darwin Major Business Group invested in economic research to understand the challenges and opportunities across our economy.

Despite the opportunities,
the NT is behind on its growth targets

In November 2020, the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) delivered its report to the NT Government. The report purpose was to attract investment and build on the NT’s comparative advantages to grow the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The TERC Report outlined a range of actions to transition the NT economy from one reliant on government stimulus to one that can grow through private investment to $40 Billion by 2030.

In the two years since the release of the TERC Report the NT’s economy has not achieved growth targets. The Darwin Major Business Group wants the Territory to meet or better the $40b target.

Learn more

The AEC Report has key findings and has informed our view that

we need to:

1. Kick start investment

2. Seize opportunities for Commonwealth and defence investment

3. Accelerate housing supply

4. Reclaim our cities and towns - Deal with crime and anti-social behaviour

4. Rejuvenate the Territory's liveability

Despite the opportunities,
the NT is behind on its growth targets

In November 2020, the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) delivered its report to the NT Government. The report purpose was to attract investment and build on the NT’s comparative advantages to grow the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The TERC Report outlined a range of actions to transition the NT economy from one reliant on government stimulus to one that can grow through private investment to $40 Billion by 2030.

In the two years since the release of the TERC Report the NT’s economy has not achieved growth targets. The Darwin Major Business Group wants the Territory to meet or better the $40b target.

Learn more

The AEC Report has key findings and has informed our view that

we need to:

1. Kick start investment

2. Seize opportunities for Commonwealth and defence investment

3. Accelerate housing supply

4. Reclaim our cities and towns - Deal with crime and anti-social behaviour

4. Rejuvenate the Territory's liveability

the full AEC Report and the Darwin Major Business Group's ideas on how to kick-start the economy

the full AEC Report and the Darwin Major Business Group's ideas on how to kick-start the economy

A white background with a few lines on it


Facing North 2023

Facing North is a collaborative arrangement between the Darwin Major Business Group and the NT Government to showcase the Territory as a diverse economy with real opportunities and to further cement the position of the Territory as vital to Australia’s resilience, growth and prosperity. After a break during Covid-19, Facing North was held in Canberra in August 2023.

The initiative provided a unique opportunity for NT businesses and industry representatives to meet with Federal Parliamentarians and key government and industry decision makers to forge key relationships for the future business and economic benefit of the Territory.

Want to know more about Facing North 2023? Click here to access the report.

To stay informed on Facing North information and opportunities, you can opt into the Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations’ Facing North subscription list

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